Baby Steps Aren't Just for Babies • Part XIII

If you get easily overwhelmed this post is for you. Just a few words that'll reset your course and have you feeling good about yourself again.

May 03, 2024

Are You Holding it In? • Part XII

Your thoughts can hurt you when you hold them in. Get waste thoughts in the thought toilet today, and flush them.

Apr 26, 2024

Should You Accept Blame? • Part XI

The surest way to live free is to blame no one, including yourself. Take responsibility for all you've done, but stop blaming yourself and others.

Apr 19, 2024

Should You Face It? • Part X

It takes courage to face what you've been putting off. But if you face it and handle it, you could feel 10 pounds lighter and freer

Apr 12, 2024

You're Valuable Today • Part IX

If you saw a print out of one days worth of thoughts would the scale be tipped to negative or positive? Kind thoughts can help you end procrastination.

Apr 05, 2024

Find a Listening Ear if You Procrastinate• Part VIII

A good listener is what you need, not a fixer, but someone who can listen with a big welcoming ear to whatever you want to share.

Mar 29, 2024

Look in the Dusty Corners for an Answer • Part VII

Your unknown emotional needs could cause you to hoard things for safety. Get to know what's underneath your clutter so you can free up your space.

Mar 22, 2024

Stop Fighting Exhaustion • Part VI

It can be good to push yourself through tiredness sometimes; other times a little guilt-free rest is exactly what you need for greater productivity

Mar 15, 2024

Cancel Dinner Plans with Your Inner Critic • Part V

Your inner critic loves it when you operate with expectations in your relationships. It gives him the green light to destroy your mood. Let's put a stop to this today.

Mar 08, 2024

Are You Long Overdue for a Good Scream? • Part IV

Crying is a socially acceptable call for help in the first year of life, but soon after you get shushed for it. Could it be helpful to let yourself cry out for help now?

Mar 01, 2024

The Best Way to End Procrastination • Part III

What do you avoid doing that you know you should? Be kind to yourself about your tendency to do this. Explore your feelings with a cup of tea.

Feb 23, 2024

The Best Way to End Procrastination • Part II

When you separate one pile into two piles things become more manageable. Draw a line today, to shrink your procrastination pile down.

Feb 16, 2024

The Best Way to End Procrastination • Part I

What things do you put off doing? I've never met a human who didn't have at least one thing. Find out how to address procrastination in this weekly series.

Feb 09, 2024

Increases Your Opportunities by Doing What Scares You

Do your knees feel week just thinking about putting yourself up on a stage? What kind of visibility could get you to the next stage of your success?

Feb 02, 2024

Trying for Things is an Endless Loop

While the words "I'll try" are better than "I can't", they aren't as effective as "I'll apply". Become an applier instead of a trier,

Jan 19, 2024

Are you helping more than you should?

Your help is a precious gift to give out as you wish. Help, when not carefully thought through, can hurt you and others.

Jan 12, 2024

Are You Caught Up in This Trend?

No matter how bad someone behaves, if you avoid blaming, name-calling, and labeling them, you help yourself develop new levels of depth and clarity.

Dec 22, 2023

Respond Instead of React for a Major Shift in Perspective

Want to turn your current annoyance into a blessing? Read on to find out how.

Dec 16, 2023

Uproot Hidden Perfectionism

Perfectionists often don't know they're perfectionists. Might you fit into this category? Here's a quick read to help you soften into knowing it's okay to make a mess.

Dec 06, 2023

What To Do When Their Underthinking Spirals You Into Overthinking

It's normal to want others to change. Especially when their behaviors hurt you. But there's good that comes from their refusal to change.

Nov 26, 2023

Boundaries That'll Take You to New Heights

Even the best boundary setters miss this. And you can only get so far when you do. Find out what takes boundary-setting to a whole new level. One that'll produces goodness in your life.

Nov 20, 2023

What Do Dreams Tell You?

Messages come through every night, but they need to be decoded in order to be useful in your everyday life. Here's how to start decoding.

Nov 11, 2023

Critical Conversations

It's not easy to speak up about your feelings when another's words hurt you. Especially when you're not sure they care. Try this instead. It's honest, without being too vulnerable.

Nov 03, 2023

Find Unconscious Thoughts

Look inside of yourself for answers when a problem arises. Become an observer of your inner world, and you'll get to solutions fast.

Oct 27, 2023

3 Things to Consider the Next Time Someone says, "You Think Too Much"

The next time someone tells you that you think too much, ask yourself these three questions to best assess how to proceed.

Oct 20, 2023

How to Not Succumb to Adult Peer Pressure

Each time you feel pressured to go along with something inauthentic, instead of succumbing to the pressure and then hating yourself for it, step back, and say 'this is an opportunity to go deeper.

Oct 11, 2023