Find a Listening Ear if You Procrastinate• Part VIII

Mar 29, 2024

The ‘s’ in procraStination stands for share.

Share your thoughts on why you procrastinate with someone who can listen without trying to fix you, or your situation.

Fixers are great to have around when it's raining and you have a hole in your shoe. But not for help ending life-long piles of procrastination.

A fixer will stand in your way, and block you from getting to the great listening ear. The wide-open-and-interested-to-receive-you-ear.

The one that hears you say,

"I look at my piles and they feel like rotten food in my stomach. The only thing I can do to keep from gagging is to put them off for later. I feel alone some days, like no one supports me, and I just can't handle the piles alone. I think I might be waiting for someone to come and help me. But they never come".

When you have someone around who listens well, you’ll hear back something like this:

"I hear you. And, I can feel what you shared. Deeply. Would you like to share more?"

It's not common to find this good of a listener. One who really gets you. And doesn't try to fix you. But lets you share.

One who waits for you to say you want help, before helping you find the best solution for you.

If you don't know this kind of a listener yet, imagine a big listening ear, listening, as you write. Or as you speak. Let it hear all of what you want to share.

PS. You don’t have to share your thoughts out loud. But doing so, with the right intention, can activate your own ear for deep listening