You're Valuable Today • Part IX

Apr 05, 2024

The 't' in procras-t-ination stands for 'train'.

Train diligently to be kind to yourself.

Many thoughts are straight-up insults, that go undetected.

Listen closely to thoughts next time you’re brushing your teeth or going to the bathroom. You’ll find phrases that slip in....

‘They’re so much better than you’

‘You’re a loser’

'You’ve wasted your life’

As if someone else is saying them to you.

But who's saying these things to you in the radio of your mind?

Train daily to search, identify, and call out these broadcasts. Especially the ones that are embarrassing to admit to yourself.

Your attention dispels them.

Instead, broadcast:

'You're beautiful.'

'You're smile lights up my heart.'

'Your effort means so much to me.'

Whether you put your piles of papers off for tomorrow, or tend to them today, you’re valuable.

The piles shrink, the more you feed yourself thoughts of appreciation and kindness. Don't wait until you have no piles to see yourself as valuable.

You're valuable today.