What To Do When Their Underthinking Spirals You Into Overthinking

Nov 26, 2023

To keep yourself clear-minded

How frustrating is it when someone around you doesn't respect your boundaries or take you into consideration?

They keep behaving as if you're not a person with individual wants, needs, and requests.

It's infuriating.

You've tried talking to them. Reasoning with them. Writing them letters. Been to therapy, read books, distanced yourself, begged and pleaded for it to stop.

No matter what you do, you hit a dead end. They don't change.

Nope they don't hear you, won't hear you.

And worse, they criticize you and ridicule you, telling you there's something wrong with you for wanting this respect.

Sound familiar?

This sets you up for overthinking. Their under-thinking. Their lack of care for you.

It's time to care for yourself, more greatly, than you have in the past. Don't crash and burn in your mind. Your mind is a problem-solver and until it solves a problem it chews on it for days, months, years. It doesn't give up. It becomes obsessed with finding a resolution.

The quicker you get to resolution, the quicker your mind can let it go. But the problem is your mind keeps looking for ways to get them to change.

When it's you that has to change.

And that's why your mind can't get to resolve.

The 'other' person can't be involved in the resolution right now. If they could be, they would have already helped, listened, collaborated with you. The resolution has to come from you, and only you.

Nice to think that one day things will balance out, to where under-thinkers think more, and over-thinkers think less. This day comes quick when you change all the things you can change, and stop thinking of ways to get them to change.

It's up to you, and only you, to not let your mind spin out of control.

There are actions you can take. There are new things for you to do. Each new action you take will help settle something inside of you. And it will teach them, through example, of how to treat you.

Share in the comments below one new action you can take to respect yourself in a situation where you aren't feeling respected.

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