Are You Holding it In? • Part XII

Apr 26, 2024

Ever feel embarrassed to say something out loud?

Keeping it quiet, in hopes that it’ll go away.

This is like keeping yourself from the bathroom when you really have to go.

Let it out. Get it out. Move it out.

Hiding a thought from others can sometimes be polite, but hiding it from yourself can make you want to explode.

Thoughts aren’t different than solid waste, they need an exit.

Hiding a thought makes it bigger in your head and after a while it can morph into a behavior, habit, or mood.

You might find yourself saying:

❓I don’t know why I gained all this weight

❓I don’t know why I put off these taxes

❓I don’t know why I’m so irritable

The next time you have a ‘waste’ thought, write it down, or say it out loud, so your eyes see it, or your ears hear it.

This way you can see it for what is:

🤔a falsehood pretending to be true

🤔a less significant issue than your inner thought world made it out to be

🤔something that needs addressing for good health

Now that you know which category it fits into, its grip on you, or your grip on it, can soften. And you can deal with it however you need to.

What thought would you like to deposit in the thought toilet today?

Tha ‘a’ in the procrastinAtion series is a reminder to ‘acknowledge’ your thoughts. Write or speak them out, to loosen their grip, and feel pounds lighter.