What Do Dreams Tell You?

Nov 11, 2023

Things your waking mind doesn't know

Dream Last Night

He danced on his back legs, as if to say, "I made it."

No ordinary accomplishment, but a long sought-after arrival.

I was mesmerized by his fluid movement. The freedom it expressed. And the grace required for an animal this size to be moving like feathers in a warm breeze.

It was undetectable. The normal terror I felt when he was near.

All in response to an accomplishment everyone believed impossible, including the doubting part of him.

This time, he wasn't searching. Looking. Hunting. Restless. Discontent.

But unified, calm, present, connected.

And... he was uncharacteristically alone.

Not lonely.

But, not lacking.

Captivated by his movement, I almost missed that he wasn't aware of me watching him. He always knows. Hunting me, because I watch.

Powerless to his power. Helpless. Frantic.

It was gone.

This was different.

The churning conflict, inside and out, resolved.

His eyes were closed.

His body said 'You made it with what you have. In fact, you have it all.'

A Dream Shows You Things that Go Unnoticed in Waking Life

Dreams show you what's being processed underneath your conscious thought.

Every human no matter how evolved has built in capabilities to weather any storm and be resilient in the face of adversity. In order for this mechanism to occur efficiently, emotions and inner conflict can't be processed in real time. Important feelings gets buried, to be dealt with later, when the emergency ends.

Making the time to get back to feelings for processing doesn't always happen.

That's where dreams can help. Your mind when sleeping, brings up important things that aren't getting prioritized in waking life.

Dream Journal to Help You Resolve Past Conflict

The next time you wake up remembering a dream that feels significant, ask yourself

1) What is the dominant feeling I felt in that dream?

2) Do I allow myself to feel this feeling in waking life?

3) If this dream is intended to help me resolve something in my waking life, what is it?

Write down your answers to the above three questions. Also record any other details you remember from the dream even if they seem unimportant.

When Will You Be Good at Interpreting Dreams?

You become good at understanding the messages that dreams deliver when you record them and reflect on them without any perfectionistic tendency to get them right.

There is no right or wrong. It's a continuous process of discovery.

Be playful and diligent. Soon it'll be clear what your dreams are here to show you. It'll be clear all that's hidden from everyday conscious thought. It'll be clear how to resolve conflicts that got buried a long time ago.


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Topic: The best way to resolve conflict.

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