Are you helping more than you should?

Jan 12, 2024

Sometimes help leads to a big mess

I wanted to help.

It was raining.

No one was around.

I pulled the chair up to the garage door and climbed up on it.

Grabbing the garage door handle with one hand, I gave it a tug until momentum took over. Not wanting the door to slam down with a big boom, I caught the bottom of it with my other hand.

But the chair hadn't cleared the door.

My finger tip, sandwiched in between, now hung to one side.

My dad, his friend, and handkerchiefs came to my rescue.

My helping hand was no help at all.

The chance to prove my help had value, left me needing help instead, producing all kinds of messy feelings inside.

The surgeon gave me finger puppets, mostly mice, for my right hand as he stitched my left hand finger. The mice were good friends for short while.

Forty years later, my still-sensitive-scar, reminds me of my impulse to be of good help. And that, when not handled with patience and reflection, leads to blood, tears, and defeat.

Can you relate? Do you sometimes want to help more than is good for you and others?


Your inner voice prompts you to take action daily. Patience, reflection, and discernment help you turn these prompts into successful outcomes. Learn more this Wednesday in the Over-Thinkers Club. Subscribe to my email list for the Zoom link.